Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Journey Through the Psalms
This season of my life has already shown itself to be quite busy... but very rewarding! Waking up through the night and early in the morning and continuing throughout the day to care for my little guy is a full time job! :) I am LOVING every second of it! But I have seen that it has been quite hard to stay in the Word. Things are finally settling down and we have somewhat of a schedule now. I am feeling my heart drawing back to the Word, my first Love. I am sensing that deep need to be in His Word... allowing my heart to be filled to overflowing with Jesus! I know that God is breathing His refreshing wind into me! I have felt so much grace and love from Him during these past 6 weeks!

All that to say, I am going to try to read just one Psalm a day. The psalms are so full of encouragement and honesty! So... here I go... on my journey through the Psalms :) I am waiting in expectation for what the Lord wants to pour into me during this time!

This morning I read Psalm 1, which ironically, starts off talking about the Word being our DELIGHT. I had to ask myself... what do I DELIGHT in?? Oh, to my shame, so many things filled my mind.. all earthly things that will not last of coarse. I want to truly delight in His Word... just as much as I DELIGHT in a wonderful date with Ray or waking up to my little guy smiling at me! I want to "mediate on it day and night." The Scripture says that if we do this, we will yield much fruit, never wither, and everything we do will prosper! Wow! I desire to be that "tree planted by streams of living waters!" Lord, give me a heart that DELIGHTS in your Word and waits in eager expectation for what it will accomplish in my life!

Can't wait for Psalm 2 tomorrow! :)

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