Friday, September 24, 2010

1 Peter 2:4-10

Realized that on days that I work night shifts I will not be getting much sleep...
So, after a nice morning walk to the Chiropractor with my baby, I decided that I would listen to the message from Sunday while Barrett is content playing. It is hard to focus on the message at church now that I have a little one. I listened to Eric's message, Our Identity, Our Purpose, and was so convicted and encouraged. I was exactly what I needed to be reminded of today... who I am in Christ and who we are as a church. Life can get so busy that my purpose and passion can quickly be crowed out and conformed into something completely different. As Eric reminded us, "Our purpose is to proclaim the excellencies of Christ!" What a privilege to participate in proclaiming Christ everyday!

One question that really caused me to think was, "What do you find yourself placing your identity in?" That question will start to reveal the idols in your heart quite quickly! Man, I can think of so many things that my identity is found in... and at times it is far from who I am in Christ...
A Royal Priesthood
A Holy Nation
A People Belonging to God!

I must remind myself daily that I am His daughter, that He has raised me up in Christ to life, and that His spirit is active in me all the time! He is the living stone and I, a dead stone, am connected to Him... therefore, I am ALIVE and His passion and purpose should consume to life!

"As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4-5

And, the beauty of all this is... we are the Church! All the dead stones that have been made alive are working together to make up the church! I am seeing a renewed love for the church growing in my heart. What could be more important than meeting with the people of God... to be where his spirit dwells... and to all being sanctified together in love! I think of Barrett... wanting Him to know what the most important things are to his mommy and daddy. What will he say one day... is it sports, work, entertainment, etc... or is it Jesus Christ?

Eric encouraged us to, "see what God is doing in our generation, and throw ourselves into it!" I want to throw myself into "proclaiming the excellencies of christ" in all that I do. I know that I needed a fresh look at who I am in Christ and the work that He has for me to do! I can feel frustrated at times with this season of my life... sometimes its just enough for me to get up, showered, dressed, and take care of my family. How can I "proclaim His excellencies" in this season? I am already feeling a sweet new outlook for what God is doing in my heart, my family, and my church! Oh, how I want to be a part of it all... whether it is worshipping together on Sunday, praying with a friend over the phone, bring a nurse at KD, taking care of my son, or encouraging my husband... I know that it is not always in the BIG things that are noticeable, but the little things are just as important to Jesus.

So... though I woke up exhausted, knowing I have to be up all day and work all night... Just hearing the truth of God's Word this afternoon gives me renewed strength to serve my Jesus with my all... in all that I do... for His glory!

"Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 1 Peter 2:10

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