"Its the most wonderful time of the year..." Yes, it is the most wonderful time of the year! I love my first "red" cup of coffee from Starbucks, choosing a night to decorate the Christmas tree, hearing "Jingle Bells" played on the radio, going to holiday parties with friends, more reasons to justify baking, hanging the stocking, lighting the Christmas tree scented candles.... even though its 80 degrees here in Dallas, Christmas is in the air! And I love it! But my heart can get so distracted from the true meaning of this season...
On Sunday, our pastor, said something though, that really stopped me in my festive cheer.... "Are we falalalalaing the Treasure away?"
Emmanuel, God with us... this is Christmas. Its so easy to love the season, but to forget the reason. Its sounds funny, but so many Christmas's have passed, with my heart loving the season, loving the cheer, loving the gifts, the memories, the traditions, but forgetting or just passively remembering the Treasure.
Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel."
Christmas is, God came to earth, to save His people from their sins! What news this heralds! HE CAME! He did what we could NEVER do for ourselves! He came to save us!
Christmas is, God came to be with us. I had to blink the tears away as I spoke over myself, "God wants to be with you, Ashley." Really, Lord? You want to be with tired, arrogant, angry, impatient, rude... me? And He whispers again, yes, you, my daughter, my Ashley... I want to be with you." CHRISTmas should whisper to our souls the comfort of, "I want to be with you."
Lord, give us courage this beautiful season of Christmas to not only remember you... but to announce to a dying world that YOU are the Treasure, the Reason, the Gift! Help us to stand up against the materialism and the traditions void of You. Remind us again, why You came.... the love that You have for Your children. Show us Your heart, this season.
"Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the new born king!"
"Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let earth receive her king!"
"Oh come, Oh come Emmanuel!"