I'll just start by saying I miss my three best friends like cRaZy!! My sweet Kristi is a labor and delivery nurse at a hospital in Greenville, NC. She was such a blessing to have during all the hard times in nursing school! She truly is a ray of sunshine wherever she goes. She loves people and has a heart to serve the Lord over seas. Julia, or better known as Hules, is about to move to Colorado :( to work for a Christian sports camp ministry called Uncharted Waters. Our friendship is just one of a kind...you just gotta spend some time around us to know how we work! :) Hules is the kind of friend that would do anything for me. She would get up early just to make me breakfast during college on the days that I had to be at the hospital really early for clinicals. And then there's Sarah, my precious room-mate for all four years of college. There is no one that could have put up wth me like Sarah. She is working hard at Appalachian State getting her master's in speech pathology. I want a gentle and quiet heart like Sarah! All three of them encourage me and build me up in the Lord and that is what is most important! So....Last Saturday night after work I got a call from Kristi saying that she was at the Panera in Norfolk. So I drove over there and sure enough she was standing outside!! My heart was sooo happy, then as I am hugging Kristi, I see Julia walking up to us...ahhhh! My heart was about to explode because it has been months since I have seen Julia. Then I see over Julia's shoulder that Sarah is walking over to us!! My heart did burst at this point! :) We only had one night together, but it was full of amazing memories, lots of laughs, and tons of pouring out our hearts! There is nothing like having your best friends by your side. I am so blessed to call these amazingly godly and incredibly fun girls my best friends. Here are some pics from our time together...